Our Motto

~ Helping people around the world in awakening and activating their heart energies so they can nurture a future fulfilled with LOVE, HEALTH, and HOPE through personal empowerment and healing. ~

Influencing the current generation, help establish a healthier and more balanced future generation, and clear blockages from manifesting into future generations.


Intro to Energy Healing...

Hi! Here is a quick video of what energy healing can do for you. xo Janlia

A little bit about me... 

Thank you for visiting! My name is Janlia Riley, founder of Heartful Living Today. I am an intuitive holistic healer / health and wellness coach, wife, and a mother of four. 

About Our Programs and Why You Should Work With Me:

The programs here on Heartful Living are designed for you from a combination and collective of my lifelong passion for personal power and ascension, 5D, and live out my personal purpose of helping men, women, and children around the world transform themselves and future generations.

My energy healing approach is gentle, fast, and efficient, and my understanding of the feminine power and challenges helps my clients propel forward with systems and teachings that they can continue to implement for long-term growth and sustainability

Clients benefit from my passion and understanding for true manifestation and our heart’s energy power in ways that are healing, engaging, and truly transformative. I continue to surround myself with life leaders around the world for applicable real-world teachings to continue passing to my clients.

The results that my clients have received are truly transformative, as many start manifesting their dream life and goals fast from starting my program. The journey for them within my programs are easy, nurturing, and fun!

Welcome to your healing and ascension journey with us!

With love, 
Janlia Riley
Heartful Living Coaching & Healing

Ready to get started?

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